Sunday, February 27, 2011

He wants to ask us........................................................

Anonymous from Brooklyn said:

Why is it that women don't like getting cheated on but don't mind being the other woman when it benefits them?

*Crickets* that is a dayum good question!
TIP ALERT: Ladies you can always comment as Anonymous LOL in case you didn't know!


  1. I think sometimes life just happens. I've been the other woman before and I regret it now. I never wanted to hurt anyone but I didn't know about his wife at first. When I found out it I already had feelings for him and it was hard to break it off. Eventually I realized that he wasn't going to leave his family and I was just "the fun". When I look back I don't regret it because it taught me a lot and I would never do it again.

  2. I think women just don't care plain and simple. It's slim pickings out there so if they find a good man they try to hold on even if he isn't theirs. Sad but true!

  3. Uhhh OK thank God for this anonymous option LOL

  4. I agree with both ladies women don't care and life happens but we all have choices to make bottom line. Trflin smh
