Wednesday, January 12, 2011

We want to ask them Wednesdays.......................................................

The guys were so entertaining that we have another question for them

Anonymous from Jacksonville, FL said:

I want to know why men lower their standards when they cheat? Their girl can have a face like Stacy Dash, body like Beyonce, please them sexually and have a great personality and he ends up cheating with Busted Betty. Please explain!



  1. 1st There is nothing better than P...y, than new P...y

    2nd. The jumpoff that you refer too, does not have to live up to the same criteria that your lady will have to live up too. You usually are selective with the woman that you will sport around your friends and family and call your woman. The jumpoff usually are obiedient, sometimes not as attractive, and usually only cause you stress when you get caught. Otherwise they are a "means to an end" when you want a quickie (im talking not taking your shoes off, or just some repeated head on command) Also when you are intimate with your lady you dont mind looking at her, you caress her, you may even kiss her.
    But the "jump" NOT SO MUCH.....thats doggie style: so you dont have to see her face; and you can be xtra rough or whatever with her...and most times jumpoffs are down for whatever whenever and then you go. With out any emotional attachment besides the occasional kiss on the forehead to say "good job"

    I dont know why guys, pick the runt pup in the litter to get thier doggie on with...i would rather find two fine women and when you lose one you still have a bird in the bush, or a really enjoyable Nicky Minaj(menege)!!!!

  2. hummmmmmmm Thanks for explaination but begs to differ. EVERY SINGLE man is always with this "New Pussy"........smh maybe is time we ladies be about new dick!!!! (interesting thought) What's the purpose of "New Pussy" if they keep going back to old???

    What's a man's EXCUSE when the "lady" is lady and has what he supposedly finds in a jump off that is deemed necessity by him???

    I think the answer to this question lies in ONE word GREEDY!!!!!

  3. Yeah your right. would you rather 100 or two hundred dollars? Greed and in some cases its too make up for the things you are not getting in your realtionship, not just sexual oriented. But maybe your girl talks too much and the jumpoff is a listener. Maybe your girl is fine but a little to high post, you may find that the jump is down to earth. If you are in a realationship and you have a person on the side then truth be told you dont really want to be in your relationship, so sometimes the jumpoff is a way for a guy to express to himself that he wants to get out of his relationship but does not want to go through the heartbreak himself so he sets up the situation he knows will get him out of his realtionship with out having to give up being intimate with someone...cause no one likes a dry spell. This convo is slanted to make men look weak, but if you flip the coin women have side pieces all of the i ask you why is that?

  4. UNDERSTOOD!!!! But seriously all this gaming and setting up is BS and not of a REAL MAN but of a boy who has not yet matured and trapped in a man's body. I disagree that the question is slanted to make men look bad. It is just a question that many women have and want answer from a man's point of view.

    YES! I agree that women also cheat we are not innocent but we rearly cheat down the ladder as men do. I cannot speak for all females ONLY myself, but I am not with this cheating crap. Too much energy that can be put to more useful and meaningful things. I pick my battles and when its not right and there are issues I choose if am tolerating or NOT. There will never be me getting what is good about the man am with and finding what's not good with a SIDELINE. That too me is just DUMB.

    But too each it's own.

  5. Well I agree with both of you! I think its not always about looks, but when a female gets cheated on thats the first thing that we are critical about because its ussually an easy target to help us down talk the dude that just cheated on us... But the reality is that a lot of times when a dude cheats its not because his girl isnt cute, fine, smart or sexy enough its because of another reason that we may not ever understand... So I can totally understand what you are talking about Guds... Now females dont be upset with me because I am all woman but, its the same for females if we stray for what ever reason its usually not because our man isnt a 10 in the looks department its for some other reason... so if our guy cheats on us with Busted Betty and you are a 10 then we might want to look deeper at the person in the mirror ;-)... tho after he cheats aint shit he can say but we can use our findings for future endeavors lol

  6. Maybe a simple answer to that question is it's done on purpose. When in a relationship that a man feels he wants to remain in if he decides to stray he'll tend to stay away from women who give off the wifey material vibe[face like Stacy dash,body like Beyonce with a great personality].There are many reasons for this
    You avoid having to lie and making promises you have no intention of keeping.
    If you want to keep your relationship why deal with someone with qualities to rival your partners it's just not smart.
    Maybe Busted Betty knows she's busted and is just happy to be here. Very eager to please.

  7. @Kevin, good to know info... but whats the point? does that mean even tho a dude has a 10 he really wants a 2? what if you slip up and have a child with this 2? EWE! now you stuck with this 2 that you aint never really want to begin with? #imjussayintho

  8. I personally think each situation is different. As women, when we are good to our men we just can't figure out why they do certain things. Sometimes it's strictly sexual. I will never understand a man's sexual drive and what makes him forget about his current situation for that "moment". It's hard to accept that because a person cheats on you it doesn't always mean that they don't love you. They've just made bad choices. Other times it could be something lacking in a relationship. If you communicate that to your partner and they choose to ignore it, eventually you will look else where. It doesn't make it right but it's life. We can usually feel when our relationship isn't right for us but we tend to hold on and not always for the right reasons. At the end of it all only you can decide what's best for you.

  9. Getting stuck with a 2 cause of a child (yikes) is def the reason not to mess around.

    the simplest reason is the effort you have to put forth to get another pretty girl to share you and your relationship, is ten times more strenuous than it is to to find some one that thinks your the dime and will accept your bullsh*t. Its all about how selective you are and what will you settle for.

  10. @Guds lmao your too funny... understandable answer

  11. @ Nay, I hear you & great question. My thing with cheating down isn't primarily about the looks etc 9/10 these chics are DISRESPECTFUL as all hell. It's always a betty who can't carry herself in no kind of way.

    I guess in the end there will always be an excuse for cheating, because really and truly thats all it really is EXCUSES.

  12. @Guds
    LMAO realest answer you ever wrote! LOL
