Sunday, March 6, 2011

He wants to ask us............................................................

Anonymous from Augusta, GA said.................................

Why do women assume that they're in a relationship with a guy just because they converse often?????

I have an answer for that but I'll let someone else go first LOL


  1. I honestly don't believe a woman would assume she is in a relationship with someone from conversing with a man alone... I think that they are having some type of relations along with the conversations. #imjustsaying

  2. I agree Nay. I think men like to be in control and they aren't careful about certain things. At the end of the day females are emotional and tend to let their hearts do the thinking. You can fall in love with someone by just talking to them. I wouldn't see a female mistaking a conversation for a relationship unless those convos are misleading. Men need to be honest and stop playing.

  3. I agree with both ladies men can be very misleading and we are very emotional. That's why communication is key. Say what you mean and mean what you say. If you don't want me to get confused than your actions and your words should be the same. #keepit100

  4. Women think what they wanna think they crazy

  5. @ Anonymous you crazy for saying that on a site that's primarily visited by women. Get yo ass outta here #sorrybutihadto!

  6. LMAO dag Anonymous you got kicked out LOL
