Did Tami Hook Up With Ochocinco?: "Watch and find out in this clip from the Basketball Wives 2 Reunion!"
I'm am so addicted to BBall Wives it's disgusting! Part 1 of the reunion was pretty uneventful except for the usual cattyiness that we're used to seeing from these ladies. Tami looked FABULOUS! The show was def a good look for her. Was I the only one that noticed some slight tension between Jennifer & Evelyn yesterday? It seems they aren't as close as they used to be. During the show Eric Williams (Jennifer's soon to be ex husband) was tweeting and he obviously made the same observation.....
EricWilliamsYO Eric Williams
"It seems them two made a Bond with each other and one broke that Bond now the other Looks silly.. LOL"
He also mentioned that he was boycotted from the reunion show lol! I'm sure this whole BBall Wives thing made the divorce 100 times more strenuous for both of them......I wish them the best of luck!
Eveyn's attitude got even worse and I didn't think it was possible. Royce is a goon all of sudden smh. I'm guessing Tami's rubbing off on her. Don't forget to watch Part 2 tonight @ 8pm....DRAMA ON DECK!!!!!
Click on the "Did Tami Hook With Ochocinco" link above to watch the best moments of the reunion
Click on the "Did Tami Hook With Ochocinco" link above to watch the best moments of the reunion
Hey Anonymous......Oh Jesus you have a potty mouth LOL. I don't know Evelyn personally but she def gives off a bad impression. We'll see if Ocho really wants her. They both need attention so it might be a career move. Keep it clean next time boo but please stop by anytime ; )