I take out my weave and all of a sudden I have dandruff. Dandruff is basically dry scalp and can be caused by a number of things including a deficiency of zinc. Zinc is usually the active ingredient in anti dandruff shampoos. This weekend I decided to do a home remedy, which I must say actually worked. Right before I washed my hair. I mixed two tablespoons of cider vinegar with two tablespoons of water and used a cotton ball to dab some on my scalp. I let is sit for about 10 minutes before I washed it. That was Saturday night and so far I haven't been flaking (not cute smdh). If you don't like my vinegar suggestion (it's ok), Sulfur 8 shampoo is also pretty good for treating dandruff. Ladies if you have this problem...............take care of it asap before it affects your social life!
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