Monday, January 31, 2011

Chick Chat (Women & Friendships)...................................

Where do I start???????? OK first let me start off by letting you know that I was inspired to pose this question by Basketball Wives. After watching a few back to back episodes, I had to ask myself what the word "friend" really means???? Over the years I've had people come and go out of my life. However, my "friends" are still here. I've known by bestie since we were  little girls growing up in Brooklyn (she was a meanie) LOL. We didn't become friends until years later and since then she's been my Ace. My other girl friends are from work and since most of our day is spent together, we've become extremely close. I am actually lucky to have a great group of girls that I can count on. Now, I don't know if it's just me but isn't the word "friend" thrown around very loosely now a days? The things I hear women do to their "friends" are insane. I know from experience that a bish can get on your nerves but when that bish is your "friend" you tell her about herself and kiss and make up. I've heard some cut throat things going on so I need to ask what does the word "friend" means to you?

1 comment:

  1. friend means family and thats what you discribed. Childhood friends dont always remain the same type of friends though they are friends none the less. People grow, they grow up. But they dont change they are still the same... Great Post Miss Fancy, though no one commented I hope they still read it and get it.
