Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Stylist of the Month (April) Razasharp, NYC.........................................

I had to share my excitement with you guys a few days ago and now I get to show you exactly why.........Razasharp of Razasharp International!!!! This talented "Hair Artist" as he calls himself has taught me so many things about the hair industry in such a short time and I promise he'll teach you as well. I asked him a few questions and he answered them Razasharp Style................

Oufancy: Hey Razasharp, I've seen your work and let me just say you are the bizness! What do you love most about your job?

Oufancy: How do you decide on a cut for your client?

 Oufancy: If you had the opportunity to style a celebrity who would it be?

I couldn't choose anyone else but Raza Sharp this month and hey I might not even choose anyone else next month LOL. Now onto his work...................................

If you're interested in Raza Sharp's services, hair cutting classes or purchasing a Raza Sharp Tee (I already placed my order!) contact him @ Raza@razasharp.net. Follow him on twitter @RAZASHARP, stop by razasharp.net and check him out on Facebook (Razasharp Sharp)

If you have any more questions for him, please leave them in the comment box below and he'll answer them for us a little later this month. I hope you enjoyed him as much as I did. THANK YOU RAZA SHARP.....we wish you all the best and nothing but success!


  1. I love Raza Sharp and I'm glad he said not to do it for the money because so many stylists get into the industry for the wrong reasons. Great interview!

  2. I love Raza Sharp! I remember when I went to his salon in NYC back in 2004! I left there feeling like a brand new person! He's amazing!!! He's GREAT at making you look good, and FEEL good too!!

  3. Yes! to touch on something you both said.....when you do it for the love it always shines through in your work. You can def see that he has a passion for what he does. We need a Raza Sharp reality show next lol

  4. Great choice for stylist of the month OUFANCY! Raza Sharp if the Bizzness!

  5. oh yeah and Im getting a T-Shirt too!

  6. Love this post Girl!! I remember Raza from my days as an editor at Hype Hair Magazine. NICE and love the site too!!!

  7. Thanks so much for stopping by Raval! We're trying to make Raza a permanent fixture @ Oufancy....he just doesen't know it yet lol.

  8. Raza Sharp is a Star!!!
