Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Ladies we may have to start carrying Pepper Spray in our bags (man attempts to rape woman in Brooklyn).....................

OK so I told you in the past that I was a cupcake (so don't judge me), this video made me bawl! So many questions so little answers. I mean is this what it's come to? No hit over the head, no weapons this man just straight tried to pull  her pants down on the sidewalk in front of some one's home (not a dark alley). How bold is that? We're going to have to use the buddy system after a certain time of night ladies. It is serious out there!



  1. smfh .... thats why I dont go out late anymore! this world is insane

  2. I know it's crazy. I don't know how he thought that would work. I'm still trying to figure out if he was serious....
